Monday, June 28, 2010

Through The Mist

Through The Mist

You are out hiking on an old worn dusty trail. The sun has begun its
decent into the evening time and glows orangey, yellow, and crimson on
the horizon. You are dressed in hiking boots, a light cotton t-shirt
and khaki shorts. Your canteen and backpack are thrown over your right
shoulder. Up ahead there is a small clearing, just right for camping.
You stop and set up your tent near the shelter of some trees and
gather some wood for a small fire. After eating a light meal you sit
back and relax.

The sun has retired for the evening but it is still hot and muggy on
this summer night. Your clothes cling to your damp body. The moon and
stars play hide and seek amongst the brewing storm clouds. As the
winds pick up you can literally smell the moisture in the air. It
won't be long before the rain comes. You sit watching the night sky
enjoying the cooling winds. Frogs croak in the distance and the
cicadas and crickets sing along.

The rain arrives, steady but gentle at first and it is so inviting
that you dance amongst the cool, refreshing droplets. As it begins to
rain harder you seek the shelter of your tent. You towel off and
change into some clean dry clothes and settle in until the rain ends.
Before long, the heavy rains change to a gentle sprinkle causing you
to feel drowsy.

Waking, you step from your tent to find you are surrounded by mist. It
rises steadily from the ground about you enveloping you in its white
veil. It has cooled considerably and the dampness makes you shiver so
you grab your cloak and throwing it over your back and shoulders wrap
it about out your body. Above you, the stars twinkle and the moon
shines radiantly. Cautiously you make your way to were the fire was
with fresh dry pine boughs and relight it. The fire pops, cracks and
sparks back to life.

In the distance you hear beautiful, melodious singing. Grabbing a limb
from the fire to use as a torch to see by you begin walking towards
the mesmerizing sound. There is a narrow, barely visible trail with
thick undergrowth under the dense thicket of trees. There is light in
the distance where the singing is coming from. Carefully, and quietly,
you make your way up the path. The mist slowly begins to dissipate.
Suddenly, as you step from the woods you find yourself in a large
clearing. Violets and marigolds dot the landscape covered in clover,
while honeysuckle and lavender perfume the air. The Full Moons shine
luminous and bright. Strange but beautiful beings with delicate, elfin
features are singing, giggling and dancing about it. You realize you
are in a Faery Ring. Woodland spirits dressed in cloaks of forest
green, hooded capes of amber, dance arm in arm, circling about,
laughing. Some of them have iridescent wings in soft shades of blue,
green, yellow. Your heart skips with joy at the magick and beauty that
surrounds you.

A violet eyed, flaxen haired woman steps from the circle of dancers
and walks toward you, smiling broadly. Barely visible from beneath her
cloak of green you see gossamer wings of rainbow hues. Her hair is the
color of pale gold soft as fresh spun silk and glistens in the
moonlight. She wears a tunic of soft yellow and has flowers entwined
in her hair. She reaches out a delicate gentle hand and grasps yours
as she pulls you from amongst the trees towards the circle of dancers.
She giggles and it reminds you of wind chimes. As you enter the
clearing you notice that there are others sitting about dining on
fresh fruit and cakes of honey and drinking blackberry and elderberry
wine. The sites, sounds, and aromas fill your senses, the splendor and
beauty fill your spirit with the magick of this place.

The beautiful young Fae takes you amongst the diners and motions for
you to sit. She offers you wine and cakes and your senses explode with
the tastes of the delicious rich flavors. Suddenly, you realize and
are amazed that you are able to understand your hosts and the lilting
songs. Being mindful of your manners, you ask questions and they tell
you fantastic stories of their culture and heritage. Tales of love,
battles, legends and lore told from the heart and memory touch your
heart, bringing tears to your eyes. Eventually, you are pulled into
the circle of dancers where you twirl about joining in the gaiety and
songs. You feel enraptured and enthralled. You dance and sing and
delight in the exquisiteness of it all. Now and then one of the
dancers steps out to enjoy the feast and another enters in their

Feeling a bit tired and overwhelmed, you decide to sit back and watch
the festivities. You are feeling a bit heady now from the wine and
gradually drift off to sleep. The Faeries, their stories and songs
fill your dreams.

Waking, you find yourself back in the safety of your campsite snuggled
comfortably in your sleeping bag. Sitting up, you stretch and rub your
eyes. Was it a dream? Opening the tent flap, you step out into the sun
drenched clearing, holding your hands to shield your eyes from the
brightness. Seeing a narrow path opposite the remnants of your
campfire you can't resist investigating. Gathering your things and
cleaning up the campfire remains, your throw your pack and canteen
over your shoulder and begin your way up the trail. Carefully you pick
your way through the dense underbrush that crowds the path eventually
coming to a large clearing. There are still flowers everywhere but
encircling the flowers is a narrow path lined with mushrooms. Standing
outside the circle, your reach inside your pack and pull out an apple
and a pear. Carefully, so as not to step on any of the flowers or
mushrooms, you lay the fruit at the edge of the circle and step back.
You take a moment to give thanks and ask a blessing upon the magickal
beings and this place.

As you throw you pack back on you shoulder and begin up the trail you
hum to yourself one of the tunes you learned from the Fae. Every now
and then you hear the sound of wind chimes and know it is the sweet
laughter of a Faery. Before long, you find yourself on the familiar
trail that brought you here and returns home. Reaching the edge of the
forest you find you are home. On your doorstep there is a beautiful,
fragrant bouquet of flowers containing honeysuckle, lavender, violets
and marigolds.

April 17, 2005 Lady Kiya

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